Faces of PC Ringette
Welcome to the Faces of Ringette! We are featuring our diverse ringette community – from the elite-level athlete who just scored the game-winning goal to the Zamboni driver at the local community rink to the super fan who doesn’t miss a game. Our goal is to feature those who are prominently involved in our sport, as well as our many unsung heroes.
If you would like to be featured or you know someone who should be featured, send an email to webmaster@ringuettepointeclaire.ca and include a portrait type photo along with a short description on why the person should be featured. We will follow-up with you if more information is needed.
Alison Kilpatrick - Inter AXuan Yu - Benjamin A
Yan Yu - Cadette B
Sarah Brown - Cadette B
Jerdy Eastmond
Jerdy Eastmond, whose passion as an athlete was baseball and never played organized hockey, initially became involved with coaching when his daughter started playing at about age 7. He now helms a squad of girls ages 16 to 18.
https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/west-island-gazette/with-the-coach-jerdy-eastmondKassy Chhim
2008 NRL Best Defenseman, Kassy Chhim, Montreal Mission
But how does she do it? Often, this is the first question that arises when a person manages to reconcile all her obligations with hard training. Because all athletes have their secrets, LaPresse meets every week with an athlete that can keep her motivation, despite the hazards of everyday life (French)
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